Ask yourself this question: 'Which of the following statements improves my mood-makes me feel better...?'
1. It's the longest day today...that means the nights will start drawing in soon!
2. It's the longest day today...that means the summer is here!
Ok, so I hope you went for the second statement, but you see what I mean.
How we think about things, down to the smallest details or our everyday lives, has an impact on our mood, our sense of well being.
Try this: for one whole day, make sure every single you say is a positive thing; if you cannot say something positive, don't say it!
My 'Big Grandma'* used to say that if you couldn't find something good to say about a person, keep your mouth shut! Good advice!
It is so easy to slip into using negative phrases, we don't even realise it is happening...
But back to the Summer Solstice...
It has been the sort of day you would expect in England for summer, glorious sunshine interspersed with heavy showers, but the skies have been incredible and I have been busy with my camera...
Remember to look up occasionally, sometimes the skies are filled with angels...
All the following pics were taken from the passenger seat of our car in a 20 minute journey from Petersfield to Cowplain...

The sun through layers of dark grey...still shining through...

Through the vast glass roof of our Peugeot Estate, the rain streaks across at speed, whilst blue sky is visible!

The violent shower has passed and there are many layers of cloud at different levels in the atmosphere...

By the time we are nearly home, the sky is filled with these beautiful cirrus hooks!

Taken from my front doorstep, these incredible glowing cirrus remind me of hosts of angels...
Do you have any fabulous cloud pics? Send them to me at
Until next time, stay positive and Look Up!
Michelle x
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Home in the South Downs
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